Cornerstone cares about the children of Kensington! We believe that children have a special place in God's heart and plan. Cornerstone strives to provide safe and fun events and activities for the kids of Kensington throughout the year! Check out some of our upcoming events below.

Kids' Club
When: 6:30pm - 8pm every Tuesday night (except the first of each month)
Where: Cornerstone Community Church
Who: Ages 5 - 12
What: Kids will enjoy singing, games, Bible lessons and snacks. They play in our playground, game room and reading room. They are supervised by a great staff of leaders who show them the love of Jesus Christ.
Children's Church
When: 11am - 12:30am each Sunday Morning
Where: Cornerstone Community Church
Who: 2 -11
What: Children enjoy the Bible lessons, songs, games and our playground. There is also a nursery offered for children under 2 years old.

Special Events
Along with our regular children’s programs, we offer special activities for kids throughout the year. We run special kids days during the year as well as a special Kids Day trip to Cairn University in May. In the summer we have Vacation Bible Schools. We also take children out of the city for a week at camp. In December there are Christmas parties for the children where they choose toys and receive sweatshirts and other gifts.
We offer various opportunities for the children to participate in sports.